I have to admit, since getting netflix I really don't watch much tv. I keep it on for background noise when I am at home alone and TLC is always a good channel for that...I think I have seen every episode of 4 weddings ever aired.
The show I am most looking forward to starting up again is Grey's Anatomy. I am a die hard fan. As in never.missed.an.episode... I'll admit they have had some highs and lows but I am sticking with them. I also stuck with Private Practice until its untimely demise last season.
I hear this is Christina Yang's last season on Grey's so who knows where it will go. It starts up September 26th with a two hour premiere!
My other fall show is Modern Family. What's not to love. Its bloody hilarious and their page a day calendar keeps me going year round!

My summer show which is just finishing up is Suits. It is filmed in Toronto but supposed to be NYC. This show is unreal! Its Boston legal meets Grey's Anatomy, meets Sex and the City! There is fashion, comedy, mystery, beautiful people and a great story line. whatmoredoyouwant?!
That's pretty much it for cable (may cancel that soon, because move over sister Netflix is taking charge! Netflix has allowed me to jump into a few new shows and by new I mean old. My first addiction was 24..If you have a man in your life and you need a relationship show, I definitely recommend this one. You will enjoy it and your man will love you forever. Just a warning its hard to not get caught up in watching them. We once spent a month watching no tv or any move, just a season of 24. #dontjudge
My next Netflix love is a Netflix original called Orange is the new black. It's sort of off beat, quirky, and a little graphic but its quite funny. They just have the first season up so far, but the second won't be far behind. Check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znUuqFYyf7g
What are your favourite fall shows? Anyone else still watching Grey's?